The consequences of allowing male athletes to participate in girls' sports are far-reaching and devastating. While the emotional impact of forcing girls to participate against these male athletes is not quantifiable (including loss of confidence, loss of opportunites, loss of playing time, injury and fear of injury, violation of privacy in the locker room, loss of opportunities, self-exclusion, contention with records set by males, feelings of helplessness) and extends beyond the athletes themselves to their families, friends, and the future generation of female athletes who are reminded daily that the institutions and officials meant to protect them are instead treating them as second-class citizens whose safety, inclusion, and success in athletics come second to the feelings of males who would rather play on girls' teams than with their male peers, we can quantify some of the medal losses that have occured and obvious performance differences that have led to these losses.
The tables below depict top three medals meant for female athletes that have been given to male athletes at the youth level in the United States. Although some sports such as cross country and state championship competitions award medals up to 10th place, the count below will only include gold, silver, and bronze medals given at championship competitions, large invitationals, and team sport tournaments.
Schools in the United States are not required to divulge information on males who have participated on girls' teams. As such, there is no definite count for these athletes. The information below is based on the 137 named male athletes has on record. As future athletes may be discovered and male athletes continue to compete in girls' sports in many states, these numbers are the minimum to be expected.
Each medal represents an one instance but may include multiple athletes in team sports. For example, a volleyball team winning the national championship is marked as only one 1st place medal on the table, referring to the team, but that team may include 20 athletes who have been deprived of their rightfully earned title. Because of this, it is important to keep in mind that the number of girls who have been cheated out of a medal or trophy is higher than what is shown in the chart.
"Top Medals Stolen" refer to medals that were given directly to male athletes or teams with male athletes. The effect of a male taking a top three medal produces a cascade-like effect on the placement of athletes below him. For example, if a male takes gold, that means the girl who should have received gold now has silver, the silver medalist now has bronze, and the bronze medalist goes home empty handed. Although the male athlete has taken one medal, three medals have been displaced. These numbers are represented in the second table.
Male Athlete (n = 137)
Competition Type | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place | Total Top 3 |
National Championship | 5 | 1 | 1 | 7 |
New England Championship | 8 | 1 | 2 | 11 |
State Championship | 53 | 33 | 33 | 119 |
Regional/Sectional/Division/District Championship | 45 | 36 | 13 | 94 |
Conference Championship | 93 | 49 | 23 | 165 |
Invitational/Large Tournament | 200 | 61 | 64 | 325 |
Total | 404 | 181 | 136 | 721 |
Competition Type | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place | Total Top 3 |
National Championship | 5 | 6 | 7 | 18 |
New England Championship | 8 | 9 | 11 | 28 |
State Championship | 53 | 86 | 119 | 258 |
Regional/Sectional/Division/District Championship | 45 | 81 | 94 | 220 |
Conference Championship | 93 | 142 | 165 | 400 |
Invitational/Large Tournament | 200 | 261 | 325 | 786 |
Total | 404 | 585 | 721 | 1,710 |
To analyze performance differences between male and female participants in girls' sport, we will look at track and field as this is an individual sport with the highest number of recorded participants to date. All male participants identify as "trans." There are a total of 37 male athletes on record who have participated in girls' high school track and field in the United States. Of these 37, one athlete participated in only one race due to the cancellation of the season during the COVID 19 pandemic. Another athlete participated in a tech/private school league that did not participate in a state championship. These two athletes will be excluded from the data below.
Male Athlete Total (n = 35)
The estimated percentage of athletes who qualify for the state championship meet could be anywhere from %5 to %15 depending on the state and division. A middle estimate of 15% is used above. It is also more likely to qualify in a relay event.
The estimated percentage of athletes in the National Top 10 was calculated by taking the number of indoor and outdoor track and field events ranked by (n=57) multiplied by 10, divided by the overall number of female track and field participants in 2023-2024 (n=506,015). It should be noted that some of the events listed in the national rankings are not commonly run, but all four male athletes listed in the top 10 ranking achieved their spot in a main event (athlete 1 - triple jump, athlete 2 - high jump, athlete 3 - 400 meters, athlete 4 - 55 meters, 300 meters). It should also be noted that many athletes appear in the Top 10 in multiple events. For example in the 2024 outdoor season, four of the same female athletes were in both the 100 and 200 top 10. This means that although the there are 570 possible top 10 positions available, in reality, the number of athletes who take top 10 spot is smaller than the high estimate of %0.11.
Approximately 0.11 percent of all female track and field athletes achieve a top 10 ranking or roughly 1 athlete out of 1,000. There were 4 male athletes who achieved top 10 status. If these males were in line with average female performance, we should expect to see 4 in the top 10 out of 4,000 athletes, but here we see 4 in the top 10 out of 35.
The claim is often made that males who have blocked their puberty perform in line with average female athletes. Three track and field athletes who have competed in high school are reported to have "transitioned" prior to 6th grade. All three of these athletes have qualified for the state meet, two have been conference champions, and one of the three athletes has won both a state and New England championship title in different events and was ranked in the top 10 in the entire nation in one of his events. Again, we would expect to see one athlete in the top 10 out of approximately 1,000. The odds of 1 out of 3 athletes appearing in the top 10 are statistically unlikely if we are observing athletes in line with average female performance.
11 male athletes on record competed on both girls' and boy's track and field teams while in high school. These 11 male athletes competed in 27 combined indoor and outdoor seasons in the boys' division and 23 combined indoor and outdoor seasons in the girls' division. Their performances against their male peers versus performances against female athletes are compared below.
Male Athlete Total (n = 11)
Competition Type | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place | Total Top 3 |
New England Championship | 7 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
State Championship | 20 | 2 | 3 | 25 |
Regional/Sectional/Division/District Championship | 5 | 5 | 1 | 11 |
Conference Championship | 12 | 5 | 3 | 20 |
Invitational/Large Tournament | 52 | 10 | 7 | 69 |
Total | 96 | 22 | 14 | 132 |
Competition Type | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place | Total Top 3 |
New England Championship | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
State Championship | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Regional/Sectional/Division/District Championship | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference Championship | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Invitational/Large Tournament | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total | 2 | 3 | 1 | 6 |
It should be noted that although the 11 male athletes competed in fewer combined indoor and outdoor seasons against female athletes than they did against their male peers, they entered 401 events against female athletes but only 225 events against male.
In track and field, there are often a limited number of spots allowed to each team at larger meets such as invitationals and conference championships. Coaches are often only able to enter their best one or two runners and relays. For this reason, many athletes are not able to participate in invitational and conference championship meets. Other meets such as the state championship and New England championships are based on qualification. The better an athlete is, the more meets they are able to qualify for and participate in. It is especially important to note that these 11 male athletes had only 64 entries in invitational and championship events against boys but 234 entries in invitational and championship events against girls. This means that male athletes who either did not qualify or were not good enough to warrant an entry in these meets against male peers were then taking these valuable opportunites away from female athletes.
It should also be noted that of the 12 first place finishes male athletes achieved against male peers, only 2 occured in larger, prominent meets. Of the 12 first place finishes, 5 were relay events (2 of which were in the "junior" category and only one other relay team was present) and 2 took place in the JV and Freshman/Sophomore division.